ESG Compliance with Ex-Eltronics:
Committed to a Better Future

Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) refers to the foregrounding of ethical and sustainable practices when it comes to investment and operations. As climate change continues to affect the planet, consumers and regulators expect the companies they do business with to play a part in today’s most pressing ESG concerns.

At Ex-Eltronics, we aim to go beyond ESG goals and rules set out in legislation to provide the most responsible products and services we can. Take a look at each of our ESG policies and the effect it has in the article below. 


Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation, and Restriction of Chemicals, or REACH, is a European Union regulation adopted to improve the protection of human health and the environment from the risks that can be posed by chemicals. It also promotes alternative methods for analysing the hazards of substances in order to reduce the number of tests on animals.

Given the nature of our products, and based on the information provided by our suppliers and partners, Ex-Eltronics isn’t required to be registered under REACH. In the unlikely event that any hazardous materials are found in our products, the amounts would fall far below the regulation threshold of 1 tonne per year.

Conflict Minerals

Conflict minerals are naturally occurring resources like tin, tungsten, tantalum, and gold, that are extracted in a conflict zone and sold to perpetuate ongoing warfare. These minerals are used in a range of everyday products including electronics and jewellery. 

At Ex-Eltronics, we support the humanitarian aims of the Consumer Protection Act of 2010 and are committed to using only responsibly-sourced minerals from reputable manufacturers and distributors. Should it ever come to light that one of our suppliers is sourcing minerals from conflict zones, we’ll end our relationship with them immediately and seek out a more ethical party.


In the context of ESG criteria, bribery refers to the unethical act of offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting something of value to influence the actions of an individual or organisation. Bribery is a principal component of the “governance” aspect in ESG and is strictly prohibited due to its negative impact on the fair and transparent operation of businesses and markets. 

Ex-Eltronics’ policy is to conduct our business honestly and ethically, taking a zero-tolerance approach to bribery and corruption. For that reason, we’re committed to upholding all anti-bribery and anti-corruption laws in the jurisdictions where we operate and expect the same from our suppliers and partners. Our offices in the United States and the United Kingdom are also bound by relevant national laws.

Modern Slavery

Modern slavery refers to exploitative practices including forced labour, debt bondage, human trafficking, and child labour. It occupies a significant part of the “social” element in ESG, as it violates fundamental human rights. ESG-conscious businesses have a responsibility to ensure that their operations, as well as their supply chains, are free from modern slavery activities. 

We take a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery along with a commitment to transparency throughout our supply chain to ensure we don’t work with companies that profit from it. Ex-Eltronics also expects partners to adopt similar policies and employees, contractors, agents, and others associated with our company to act accordingly.

Environmental Policy

Concern for the environment was the driving force behind the development and adoption of ESG frameworks. Ex-Eltronics’ policy is to comply with environmental legislation and regulations and to periodically review our environmental performance. We also strive to keep environmental concerns and impacts at the centre of our decision-making and governance processes.

In our workplaces, we aim to minimise energy and water use as well as waste. Instead, we endeavour to reduce, reuse, and recycle whenever possible, and to purchase products and services with minimal environmental impacts. Lastly, Ex-Eltronics aims to keep employees, clients, and the public informed on our environmental policy and practices and to develop and maintain emergency programmes for health, safety, or environmental hazards.

Counterfeit Parts and Products

In ESG contexts, policies against the use of counterfeit or unapproved parts and products are essential from multiple perspectives: 

  • Environmental: Counterfeit products are often produced without consideration for environmental regulations or standards. 
  • Social: Counterfeit goods are usually associated with unfair labour practices, including poor working conditions, exploitation, and even child labour. 
  • Governance: Engagement in counterfeit activities signifies a lack of business ethics and integrity. 

As part of our zero-tolerance approach to the use of counterfeit products, Ex-Eltronics only sources new parts directly from manufacturers or authorised distributors, unless specifically requested otherwise by the customer. This supports our aim to achieve full traceability throughout our supply chain and to provide our customers with the highest guarantees of quality and reliability.

Head to our Quality Standards page if you’re interested in getting further details about our ESG policies. If you have any specific questions about our practices, get in touch today via our website or contact us at [email protected] / +44 (0) 1420 590390.