A Year in Review:
Looking Back at 2023

As we approach the end of 2023, the year has held its challenges for the Aerospace and Defence sector as well as around the world in general. However, 2023 has also seen a string of successes and promising developments for the Ex-Eltronics Group, from fresh talent, branding, and products to the incredible growth of existing relationships.

2023 was a year of growth for Ex-Eltronics, with a range of new Customer relationships developed, new OEM approvals gained, and increasing supply chain successes. Greater recognition and demand for Ex-El’s services and products meant the company needed to take on highly qualified new talent to continue offering our renowned level of service and support.

We are proud to introduce the newest members of the Ex-El Group:

Dorota Kasperek, Internal Sales and Export Coordinator

Phill Tetlow, Buyer

Igor Silva, Buyer

Tony Discipline, Goods in and Inspection

Louise Hatcher, Office Support

Vicki Cooper, Internal Sales

Victor Francois, Accounting

In addition to the newest members of the Ex-El Group, some of the longer-tenured employees of the team reached certain milestones and achievements in their careers, such as Louise Waby who celebrated her 25th anniversary at Ex-Eltronics in April, and Claudia Richens, who started working with Ex-El as an administrator in 2013 and who has since been promoted to the role of Buyer this year.

We also celebrated the careers of a couple of long-tenured Ex-El Group employees who retired from the group in 2023. From our UK Team, Quality and Export Manager Robert Hope announced his retirement from Ex-Eltronics after 24 years of sterling service. The team celebrated Bob’s years of work with a company outing to Goodwood House, West Sussex, while in our US office, we said goodbye to Louise Boyle in our Accounts Payable Department, who had been with the company for over 17 years.

While they may no longer be part of the Ex-El Group, they will always remain part of the Ex-El family. We wish both Bob and Louise all the best in their retirement!

Bob Hope’s retirement party at Goodwood House

In 2023, the Ex-El Group got a brand-new look online with the company rebranding and updating of our website, which reflects changes to the partnership network and services and products offered. The team redesigned and rebuilt our website to include a sleek, new logo, fresh content, a streamlined look, and an improved user experience.  Our valued Customers can now connect with the technical support, products, and expertise they need to succeed.

Each September, tens of thousands of representatives from the world’s militaries, national Aerospace and Defence Industries, and governments gather in London to attend Defence and Security Equipment International (DSEI). In 2023, Ex-Eltronics company President Kristine Brackenridge-Battaglia, along with colleagues from our UK office were joined by representatives from EMI Solutions, IEH Corporation, Force Technologies, and KEC to attend the show. We used this opportunity to strengthen existing relationships with Aerospace and Defence agencies and to inform the industry of our latest capabilities and products.

Kristine Brackenridge-Battaglia, Paul Howard, and Louise Waby at DSEI 2023
Kristine Brackenridge-Battaglia, Paul Howard, and Louise Waby at DSEI 2023

2023 has been a year of promise and growth at Ex-Eltronics as the company’s network has expanded and the team has added new qualifications, accreditations, and capabilities to our lineup. We plan to continue these successes into the new year by investing in key technologies and improvements.

The Ex-El Group would like to take a moment to thank each and every one of our Customers and Partners, who without, we would have never had the success we had in 2023. We wish everyone a wonderful holiday season and a Happy, Healthy, and Prosperous New Year!