Ex-Eltronics Tackles Your Security Concerns in Global Procurement

The military equipment market is the bedrock of national and multinational security, supplying vitally important goods suited to a wide range of missions and tasks to militaries around the world. But just as national governments require ready access to military equipment to ensure their own security, the procurement process itself requires watertight security protocols to safeguard stakeholders and prevent weaponry from falling into the wrong hands.

Security is a concern not just for governments but for the contractors and manufacturers who supply the world’s defence organisations as well. Below, we’ll take a look at some of the most common security concerns in the aerospace and defence sector and what Ex-Eltronics is doing to minimise risk.

An Overview of Security Risks in the Aerospace and Defence Sector


Cybersecurity is gaining ground as the most sensitive and talked-about aspect of security. Modern workplaces and companies increasingly rely on computerised or digital equipment for protection and to enhance operational efficiency. A cybersecurity risk is anything that could allow unauthorised individuals to access computer systems, data, or assets remotely, using malware, phishing attacks, or other means of electronic attack. 

Here are the most effective ways to counter these risks:

  • Implement a company-wide cybersecurity system; 
  • Educate staff members on digital security practices and principles; and 
  • Ensure partnered companies and contractors have similar systems in place.

Insider Attacks

As the name implies, an insider attack is any violation of security protocols carried out by any current or former employee or associate of an organisation. This could include an individual using a key to access areas that they’re not authorised to enter, downloading or sharing sensitive data (intentionally or unintentionally), or outright theft of information or equipment. Other forms of insider threats include espionage, theft, and acts of violence or property destruction. 

Countermeasures for insider attacks vary from providing employees with area-restricted keys to thorough vetting for former staff members and new hires, as well as ensuring the companies you work with have similar policies in place for their employees.

Technological Vulnerabilities

A technological risk arises when there exist potentially exploitable vulnerabilities in hardware or software. The most common example is when a program isn’t regularly updated, leaving it exposed to cyberattacks. Other examples include service outages or using unsecured cloud-based services, or equipment or software subject to invasive data laws.

Steps to Take to Ensure Supplier Performance

It’s wise to take steps to ensure a prospective supplier has employed a variety of security measures to protect their own assets and personnel and, by extension, yours. Basic steps to follow include:

  • Auditing: Perform a review of a supplier’s security arrangements. 
  • Stress testing: This involves simulating low-probability, high-impact disruptions to a supplier’s operations and estimating how long it will take them to meet demand and fully recover from a security failure.
  • Incident and crisis management: Any prospective supplier should be able to demonstrate an up-to-date, flexible incident and crisis management process to ensure they’re able to withstand and recover from unexpected security risks. 
  • Horizon scanning: This involves keeping abreast of new and evolving security threats as well as the solutions being developed or refined to meet them. 

Cyber Essentials Plus Certification: the Ex-Eltronics Solution

As part of our commitment to ensuring security and peace of mind for all our partners and valued clients, Ex-Eltronics is a participant in Cyber Essentials. A government-backed, industry-supported cybersecurity scheme, Cyber Essentials offers two levels of certification. The basic self-assessment option provides companies with a checklist of potential cybersecurity risks and instructions on how to assess their vulnerability to them. Cyber Essentials Plus goes one step further by including a hands-on technical audit covering on-site internal and off-site external vulnerability scans and tests of the relevant systems.

As recipients of a Cyber Essentials Plus accreditation, Ex-Eltronics has the following security requirements in place:

  • Active firewalls
  • Secure configuration
  • User access controls
  • Malware protection
  • Patch management

This ensures that our security is up to the latest national and industrial standards. It is often required for work on sensitive government contracts or projects, such as those involving the development, maintenance, deployment, and transportation of defence equipment.

You can learn more about the security measures in place at Ex-Eltronics, along with our industrial and quality assurance accreditations, by visiting our Quality Certifications page. If you’re interested in finding out what we can do to protect your assets and operations or have special security requirements, get in touch today to set up a consultation or contact us at [email protected] / +44 (0) 1420 590390.